
WITD 101.01 Introduction to Whips in the Dungeon371 viewsAn introduction to Whips in the Dungeon. . .more to follow. Series is intended to compliment the book, Whips in the Dungeon: Singletail Techniques for Play by Dex.

WITD 101.02 Floggers287 viewsSecond in the video short companions to the book, Whips in the Dungeon: Singletail Techniques for Play. A variety of floggers are introduced and 4 common techniques for throwing them.

WITD 101.03 Cat O Nine Tails184 viewsThis video short discusses different types of cat o nine tails, and techniques for throwing them in the dungeon. It ends with a key word that is part of the Whip Game.

WITD 101.04 Quirts160 viewsThis video introduces short and long quirts, reviews common techniques to throw them in the dungeon. A hybrid short whip a pig slapper makes a guest appearance along with my 8 lb yorkiepoo dog.

WITD 101.05 Galley Whips138 viewsAn introduction to galley whips, originally used in confined spaces on ships, are excellent in the confined spaces of a dungeon. Great multi-tailed warmup whip.

WITD 101.06 Dragontails196 viewsWhips in the Dungeon views singletails as any whip ending in a singletail. The commonly used term singletail referring to a dog signal whip, is thusly broadened. The dragontail is probably the easiest singletail to begin throwing.

WITD 101.07 Dog Signal Whips161 viewsThis video introduces dog signal whips (commonly called singletails in scene vernacular). 3', 4', 5' signals are shown. Two static techniques and two dynamic techniques are reviewed. Some discussion of a whip developing muscle memory as mileage with throwing it occurs.

WITD 101.08 Snake Whips136 viewsIntroduction to black snake whips, snake whips and pocket snake whips (<6'). Construction and throwing techniques. Snake whips are measured from the heel knot to the fall hitch. So a 3' snake whip is ~6' total length.

WITD 101.09 Bullwhips127 viewsIntroduction to bullwhips, construction, loaded vs unloaded (or natural belly). Examples of Mike Murphy, Skip San Soucie, Peter Jack. More on bullwhips keep watching.

WITD 101.10 The Shape of the Crack135 viewsThis segment discusses the shape a crack takes as the whip rolls out. Regardless of the type of throw, or angle thrown from or fancy name someone gives a crack. All static cracks will take this shape as the whip rolls out to its finish. Watch tomorrow for Stalling the whip and continued discussion of dynamic throws.

WITD 101.11 Stall Speed142 viewsBrief discussion of throwing safety. Continued discussion of the shape of a dynamic crack. Forward figure 8 dissected to show how to stall the whip to set up a U shaped crack.

WITD 101.12 Hand Holds147 viewsThis video discusses various hand holds for both horizontal style throwing and overhand or forward figure 8 style throwing. Small discussion of wrist loops at the end of the turk's head.