
628 files in 39 albums with 127 comments viewed 22,802 times |

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Leather Culture Club NE Keynote Talk on My Leather Journey (Part 2)1 viewsAlthough not a Podcast as such, This is Dex's Keynote Talk on His Leather Journey - Leather Culture Club NE (Part 2 of 2) [37m 41s]

Leather Houses 101.07 House Protocols12 viewsBased on the leather principles, house protocols establish guidelines for how the house members will interact with one another, the larger leather community and the vanillas. P-R-I-D-E.

02 - Red Sanibel Beach Cane23 viewsTo inquire about some of the finest canes in the world at Canes4Pain simply email whypdancer@canes4pain.com or you can contact her directly on Facebook @Canes4Pain or at the newer website www.canelove.com Pictures of many of these canes can be viewed and examined at www.canes4pain.com and on Fetlife.com at the @Canes4Pain profile. Whypdancer can also be contacted through Fetlife directly.

Kinky Cocktail Hour - S02-E192 - 10-15-21 - The Pan Leather Scene12 viewsIn this episode, Lady Petra and Saffermaster chat with Dex about his journey in the Pan Leather Scene over a Cuban Old Fashioned.

WITD Front Cover21 viewsMy New Book on Whips!!! a Montaigne Medal Finalist and a 2020 Eric Hoffer Book Awards Finalist.
Whips in the Dungeon: Singletail Techniques for Play (Print/Kindle) Amazon
or in eBook format SmashWords

WITD 301.30 Navy Commemorative15 viewsUnboxing of a 32 plait Navy commemorative 3 belly 4' target bullwhip by Peter Jack. This whip is a rework, the dye of the navy blue roo on the original overlay bled through the gold roo. After several years the whip which threw wonderfully looked like a mess. Jack removed the overlay and reworked the overlay, the 3 original bellies remain untouched. Watch and see how this turned out.

Spanking 101.05 Spanking Positions116 viewsPositions are almost infinite when talking spanking. Laying flat, all fours, the chicken, standing, bent over, OTK full lap, OTK half lap, standing OTK, spanking benches or horses of all types and designs.

Leather Houses 101.11 Psychology Behind Building a Lifestyle Bed5 viewsDeciding what size bed to build involves many factors. What size bed are you used to sleeping in, what size sheets and blankets do you currently own, and sometimes how tall or husky you are. But the psychology behind the closeness and safety we felt as an infant in a crib, can be transferred into our sleep experiences as an adult. What is this additional factor to consider as you decide what size bed to build?

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WITD 201.47 Whip Lasagna0 viewsIntroducing a concept from the new Variations and Vignettes advanced book on whips. What is whip lasagna?Mar 21, 2025

WITD 201.48 Hand Holds--Rotating the Whip in your Hand0 viewsNot rotating the whip in your hand vs rotating the whip in your hand. Pros and cons.Mar 21, 2025

WITD 201.49 Whip Flow0 viewsWhich classes of whips have better flow? Which are more accurate? What is the tradeoffs between accuracy and flow?Mar 21, 2025

WITD 301.61 Long Whip Practice 6ft Snake vs 6ft Bullwhip4 views6' Snake whip compared to a 6' bullwhip. Targets were camera lens, t-shirt, 14", 8", 4" gong.Mar 03, 2025

42 - Matched Set of Snake Whips TWM0 views20 plait beautiful rollout right out of the box. Thrown 3 times and already dungeon ready.Mar 03, 2025

43 - Throwing Peter Jack Matched Snake Whips0 viewsShort look at matched snake whips made by Peter Jack. Watch WITD for the full video/specs.Mar 03, 2025

44 - Throwing Matched Snakes by The Whipman0 viewsFirst time throwing watch and see the specs and how they throw.Mar 03, 2025

38 - Mini-Zenith Bullwhips0 viewsUpdate on breaking them in and accuracy after 8 mos.Mar 03, 2025
