
WITD 101.79 Q & A Are You Really Hanging a Sheepskin Target on an LCD TV2 viewsQ & A Are You REALLY Hanging a Sheepskin Target off of an LCD TV?

WITD Q & A 101.01 Recent question on first aid and whip play15 viewsRecent question on first aid and whip play. Dex’s approach is good technique results in the need smaller Band-Aids :). Watch & listen to the first WITD Q & A.

WITD Q & A 101.02 When Am I Good Enough17 viewsWhen am I good enough to pull my whip out of the toybag and use it in dungeon play? This video demonstrates the 4 common techniques taught for throwing a WITD, and establishes a benchmark of control that will allow the whip thrower to answer that question for themselves with confidence.

WITD Q & A 101.03 What Plait Count is Best12 viewsThe question was, I'm wanting to buy a whip, which plait count do you recommend that is best for dungeon play?

WITD Q & A 101.04 Safewords14 viewsWhile there is discussion of this in the WITD whip series, it never hurts to have this in more than one spot. Safewords and consentual play are a foundational concept in leather. The universal system is green, yellow and red. Visual safewords can be established and agreed upon for play in noisy dimly lit dungeons.

WITD Q & A 101.05 Face Slapping14 viewsNot my thing, or one of my fetishes, but I've had multiple requests to cover it. There are many safety concerns involved in face slapping. Technique is important and an aspect of safety. Accuracy, not mishitting, cupping your hand, no rings or jewelry. Do not hit the ears, eyes, or nose. Using a short stroke improves accuracy. You will never see me doing Face Slapping, but if it is your fetish do it safely.

WITD Q & A 101.06 What Do the Grandkids Think10 viewsRecently was asked the question, and here's my answer.

WITD Q & A 101.07 Tips For Forming a Whip Practice Group12 viewsRecently someone asked me to share tips and suggestions for starting a whip practice group. Here it is. First find a common time, identify the goals and purposes of the group (ex. dungeon play, or sport cracking), then based on the required space needed to achieve the group's goals and purpose find a space to practice. Indoors is ideal in that it eliminates weather. Remember the Whips in the Dungeon practice is the third Saturday of each month at 1 pm EST using Zoom. So even if you have a local practice group, consider Zooming in and joining us.

WITD Q & A 101.09 Against the Spine3 viewsI throw the forehand with the belly & backhand against the spine. Can the forehand be thrown against the spine?