
09 Paddle & Spanking Technique4 viewsRemake of video removed from YouTube using the famous yellow rubber chicken. Tongue in cheek

Gong Show 01 Elk Flogger Comparison32 viewsYouTube reviewers removed the original video for violating community standards. This redue uses a tongue in cheek approach to demonstrating the same content substituting a gong as the demo bottom. The original video contained no nudity or partial nudity, showed no naughty bits and was benign when compared to pole dance channels and clothing try on haul channels modeling transparent clothing that shows the model's everythings.

Gong Show 02 Introducing The Leather Journey Gong Show6 viewsIntroducing: The Leather Gong Show
The Leather Gong Show will feature video remakes of instructional content removed by YouTube reviewers for violating community standards.

Gong Show 03 Gong Show Demo Bottom Scene Name Contest6 viewsLeather Gong Show Demo Bottom Scene Name Contest
Contribute comments on YouTube for suggestions of the best demo bottom scene name for the yellow chicken.

Gong Show 04 Caning 101.21 Equipment and Positions6 viewsCaning 101.21 Equipment and Positions
Special thanks to the yellow chicken demo bottom.
Consider the type of equipment you are using for your caning scene. The position of the caning bottom is key to the experience they will have on the receiving end. Flaccid skin as opposed to tension-ed skin, relaxed muscle as opposed to flexed. All produce different experiences on the receiving end of the cane.

Gong Show 05 Caning 101.31 Over the Shoulder5 viewsCaning 101.31 Over the Shoulder
Two over the shoulder techniques are demonstrated. The first I learned watching Dea_Dhelia from Belgium doing corporal punishment. It is quite a long stroke, but if the setup is correct and care taken can be very accurate. It has a long swing, and utilizes hips, legs etc to generate power. The second technique would only be used if the caning bottom is lying down on a massage or bondage table.

Gong Show 06 OTK and the J-Stroke6 viewsOTK and the J Stroke
Special thanks to the yellow chicken demo bottom.
Spanko purists only believe in bare handed Over The Knee (OTK) spanking. But for those who use implements in OTK do not forget short canes. I call these "shorties", perfect for OTK. Most of the techniques already covered can be adapted for OTK. This video also introduces the J Stroke."

Gong Show 07 Caning 101.30 Corporal Punishment8 viewsCaning 101.30 Corporal Punishment
Corporal Punishment is a specialty caning scene where punishment is enacted for the caning bottom messing up. Caning bottoms have an unlimited number of ways to get themselves in trouble when they have a caning top who has set some rules or limits for them. A variation of the corporal punishment scene is a judicial punishment scene where the bottom is taken before a judge to have the charges read and a sentence given.

Gong Show 08 Spanking Positions Gong Show Ed11 viewsThus you must watch this! Credits: The Black Tape Project for the demo bottom, Ginger's outfit. Thanks to the demo bottoms: Ginger and the yellow rubber chicken (sound effects: rubber chicken). Spanko purists only believe in bare handed Over The Knee (OTK) spanking. Spanking positions covered: lying down, standing, bent over, standing OTK, sitting OTK full lap, OTK half lap, homework investigate Google images for spanking benches (different designs).