
Leather Houses 101.01 House Mermaid13 viewsFirst of a series about the original House Mermaid and leather houses in general.

Leather Houses 101.02 The House Manual10 viewsThe infamous 3 ring binder. Leather principles, house protocols, submissive positions, voice commands, House play checklist, House kitchen rules, House dungeon rules, House budget, to name a few things inside this 3 ring binder. Future shorts will go into details of each binder section.

Leather Houses 101.03 What is a Leather House7 viewsSeveral organizational structures have evolved in leather communities and there are variations as you travel around the country and the world. But leather families, packs, houses, groups and tribes have emerged as a type of organizational structure and serve a variety of purposes. In parts of the country, community standards are such that public play spaces and gathering places for alternative style groups aren't possible. In those instances often a community member will open up their house for gatherings. Hence a leather house emerges, often they take different organizational structures within but most often have a head master or mistress that leads the efforts and an alpha submissive that coordinates tasks and organizes minutia.

Leather Houses 101.04 Resurrection: The New House Mermaid7 viewsWhat was House Mermaid? Why have a leather house? Many areas of the country do not have a leather community. Many also do not have a house structure but choose a different path for their journey (family, pack, tribe, group). The House plans on organizing around 2 conventions each year, Zoom house meetings throughout the year. More info on House Mermaid events and meetings will be in the members only videos. Thanks for considering a channel membership.

Leather Houses 101.05 Positions within a Leather House6 viewsWhat positions exist within a leather house? They vary but often the head of a house will be the Head Master or Head Mistress or Head of the Household, a lady or sir of the house, butler, maid, house cook, bladesmith, armorer, majordomo or master at arms, dungeon master, wax attendant, the list is long and varied and depends upon valued functions within each house. Positions often are appointed, but house members can also petition for a position. I personally prefer petitions.

Leather Houses 101.06 House Mermaid Flag13 viewsWhether you are at a leather event and displaying the house colors, or simply in a large dungeon letting family members know where to congregate. A house flag serves a function. It might even be a game of capture the flag with an opposing house at a leather camping event.

Leather Houses 101.07 House Protocols12 viewsBased on the leather principles, house protocols establish guidelines for how the house members will interact with one another, the larger leather community and the vanillas. P-R-I-D-E.

Leather Houses 101.08 Bring Something to the Table10 viewsBe courteous, respectful, thankful when invited to a leather house or event. Bring something to the table to contribute even if it is something small. Find your host or hostess upon arriving and before leaving and say thank you for inviting me, or us, our family or our house to your event.

Leather Houses 101.09 Bladesmithing and the House Bladesmith10 viewsThe House Bladesmith, if they are in a 24/7 live in setting, are responsible for sharpening and maintaining all of the house kitchen cutlery and dungeon play knives. Bladesmiths who are not 24/7 assume this responsibility when visiting the house, or when the House is represented at a leather event, they will bring their bladesmith supplies and perform maintenance on any dungeon knives of attending House Dominants. Equipment used in this video is a Norton Multi-Oil Stone Pro IM-313 that has a course stone, medium stone and a fine India stone housed in an oil bath reservoir.

Leather Houses 101.10 Building a Lifestyle Bed3 viewsIn 24 years in the lifestyle I've had the opportunity to build 4 lifestyle beds and also to own a house that had 2500 sq. ft. of dungeon space. The dungeons were used once or twice a month, the lifestyle bed was used every night. In prioritizing got to haves, move building a lifestyle bed to the top of your to-do list.

Leather Houses 101.10a Building a Lifestyle Bed hd ft board4 viewsBuilding a Lifestyle Bed
This is a current picture of the bed. Put your pretend caps on and visualize that originally the top rail was a 2x6 on all 4 sides of 8' 4x4 corner posts and formed a canopy rail all the way around the top. The canopy rail was removed and the head board and foot board cut down to a more normal size when we moved to Florida. The bedroom has a ceiling fan that would not accommodate a canopy rail. A close look at the footboard will reveal holes where the St. Andrew's Cross was originally bolted. It is still a grand bed and forms many lifestyle functions. It is however, not as dramatic as when it had a canopy rail and St. Andrew's Cross incorporated into the footboard.

Leather Houses 101.10b Building a Lifestyle Bed ft hd board4 viewsBuilding a Lifestyle Bed
Footboard: 4x4 corner posts, 2x8 box spring and mattress rails, 2x6 top rail that originally formed a canopy rail when the bed originally had 8' corner posts. Hardware represented are 1/2" lag screws counter sunk. Notice I didn't take the time to stain the counter sunk holes. That would give it a more finished look, but one could argue that leaving the counter sunk holes unstained gives it some character. Notice the blacklight mounted on the top rail of the headboard.