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WITD 301.31 Unboxing 4631 viewsThis year's whip order marked Peter Jack's 46 year of plaiting. Watch and see a 3' signal quirt, matched set of 4' signal whips finished with an English eye, and a No. 46 20 plait 4' bullwhip that is a smaller replica of the whip Jack made for the Lord of the Rings tv series appearing on Amazon Prime.     (2 votes)

Violet Wands 101.08 Fun with Mylar Bodysuit Side View24 viewsA different camera angle same content as VW 101.07 video     (2 votes)

Violet Wands 101.07 Fun with Mylar Impregnated Fabric35 viewsImmediately after Halloween, when the fabric stores put on sale Halloween remnant fabrics, go shopping for mylar impregnated remnants. If you see a mylar impregnated body suit, do not pass it up. This adds an additional fun element to violet wand play. Mylar spreads the wand pattern across a larger area and visually it looks like an expanding spider web of electricity. Bottoms say the feel is completely different.     (2 votes)

WITD 201.37 Variations with Crackers28 viewsMaterial, type of cracker construction and color all provide variations that can change the experience for a whip catcher. Intentionality in play is crucial. If someone negotiates no marks and the whip thrower selects a cracker that marks easily and then marks the whip catcher in play, then that is poor form and might also constitute a consent violation. Play within negotiated parameters and carefully choose the cracker you play with. I highly recommend ladysally style crackers for beginners, pickup play and for those who for whatever reason do not want marks.     (2 votes)

WITD 101.44 Edge Play and Drinking73 viewsBullwhip play and any type of singletail play is edge play. Whip tops and whip bottoms should not drink or do drugs before scening with whips. Drinking and standing 4-7' away from a whip catcher and accurately playing with the last 1" of cracker fluff while the whip is moving at the speed of sound is not possible. Stay in the moment, use endorphins and Top space as your natural high. Guest video appearance by Theadora.     (2 votes)

WITD 101.43 Dungeon Etiquette72 viewsDungeon etiquette discusses protocols for setting up a whip scene in the dungeon. DMs and Tops in the vicinity of play must be notified, safety zones and whip lane or whip circle considered. Dungeon attendees should be considerate and use 6" voices if they have to talk. Whip play is edge play, a whip thrower in Top space is focusing on a singletail moving at 767 mph when it cracks. Distractions can result in unsafe play. A rule of thumb: if social voices can be heard above the music, then the dungeon music is not loud enough. Socializing is for the social area not the Sacred Space.     (2 votes)

WITD 101.42 In-Betweens66 viewsIn-Betweens discusses the many things that happen in between dungeon songs. One song ends, there is a 30 second to a minute pause before another song begins. Check-in, communicate, change whips, share energy and move it around. Look for a closed throat chakra, gain explicit consent and continue to the next . . .In-Between.     (2 votes)

WITD 101.35 Consent62 viewsConsent begins when negotiations end. Gain explicit consent to play within the negotiated parameters. Check in frequently, gain explicit consent to continue play or the scene. Do this until many whip sessions with explicit consent have been successfully navigated, good communication, learning each other's body language, and layering/building upon multiple scenes with the same whip catcher can lead to implicit consensual play."     (2 votes)

WITD 101.33 Negotiations69 viewsNegotiations specifically focuses on approaching a single whip scene with someone who has never felt a whip. Dex never approaches anyone for a first dance. Whip tops should not be predators. Whip bottoms should always watch someone throw and get a sense of the skill level of someone they want to approach for a scene. After a successful, first dance, aftercare, and debriefing, provided the bottom gives good feedback on the experience, Dex will approach someone for a second dance.     (2 votes)

WITD 101.72 Whip Throwers Mantra7 viewsSmall changes on the throwing end result in large changes on the receiving end.     (1 votes)

31 - The Great Popper Experiment2 viewsLadysally crackers by Dex are available in No 36 (fluffy), No 18 (broadest spectrum), No 15 (stingy).     (1 votes)

30 - Bam Bam Update1 viewsSoaring Eagle Creations impact toy, a Bam Bam. Update after using it in two scenes with different bottoms.     (1 votes)
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