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14 - Parachord or Kangaroo10 viewsI recommend starting with a parachord whip as a more economical way to get into whips.     (1 votes)

12 - After a Starter Whip What Next10 viewsAfter your 3' signal starter whip what's next? If your preferred throwing style is horizontal simply move up to a 4' signal whip with a two belly build. If you prefer overhand or forward figure 8 then consider a 3' snake whip. The 3' snake whip will add fluidity of movement and learning how to control the fall of the whip into the target. This is an intermediate step to moving up to a bullwhip.     (1 votes)

13 - Down and Dirty with Snake Whips10 viewsLove the fluidity and motion of a snake whip. A 2' snake whip is too short. A 3' snake whip is the preferred length in dungeon play as it is 4 -4 1/2' total length. 4 & 5' snakes are too long for most dungeons. A 6' snake is fun to do wraps with outdoors.     (1 votes)

11 - Whip Everyone Should Own7 viewsA 4' dragontail is literally the whip everyone should own. As compared to a 3' dragontail, it is more whip like has better rollout and acts like a singletail.     (1 votes)

WITD 101.66 Your First Whip (Long Version Part 2)34 viewsIf you are interested in throwing whips in the dungeon what should your first whip purchase be? Here are the ins and outs of buying a first whip, with some warnings of what not to buy. (We apologize for the quality of this video. For unknown reasons, it continually refused to upload even though all parameters were correct. A full HD version is available for free upon request. -Master_Graves)     (1 votes)

WITD 101.66 Your First Whip (Long Version Part 1)35 viewsIf you are interested in throwing whips in the dungeon what should your first whip purchase be? Here are the ins and outs of buying a first whip, with some warnings of what not to buy. (We apologize for the quality of this video. For unknown reasons, it continually refused to upload even though all parameters were correct. A full HD version is available for free upon request. -Master_Graves)     (1 votes)

10 - Leather Journey Starter Whip41 views10 Recommendations for a Starter Whip
Here are some considerations for your first whip.     (1 votes)

WITD 101.68 When Should You Buy Your First Bullwhip20 viewsWhat type of bullwhip do you need if you throw horizontal style? I call these hybrid bullwhips as they have a stiff handle but are finished like a signal whip. Some whip makers call them hybrid signal whips. Be sure your plaiter and you are on the same page. For overhand style I recommend throwing a 3' snake whip to learn how to control the fall into your target before moving up to a bullwhip.     (1 votes)

WITD 101.65 Whip Not to Buy18 viewsIf your focus is on BDSM/leather and dungeon play then your first whip should be a whip that you can throw in the dungeon. A long time recommendation for a first whip among whip instructors has been a 6' whip as a longer whip has a slower action and a beginner can learn basic cracking and sport cracking quicker using a longer whip. Here's why for leather a 6' whip is not the best whip to buy for a beginner.     (1 votes)

WITD 101.67 First Whip Purchase9 viewsWhat whip or whips do I recommend for a beginner making their first whip purchase? Pretty simple, either a 3' dragontail or a 3' signal whip. Parachord is less expensive than kangaroo. A 3' single belly "budget" build kangaroo signal whip is adequate as a leather starter whip. A 4' signal whip should have two bellies to provide optimum performance.     (1 votes)

Clamps 101.09 Royal Caribbean Zipper60 viewsConverting a Royal Caribbean birthday room decoration into a zipper for dungeon play. This is a new pervertible from a vanilla cruise.     (1 votes)

15 - Unboxing a Grotta Sonora 19in Golden Eye Gong19 viewsUnboxing a gong from Gongs Unlimited. Overpackaged, but ultimate protection of my new gong acquisition. I wish some whip makers would learn from this unboxing as to how to ship something and protect it during transit.     (1 votes)
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