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WITD 101.55 Fan or Whirly Bird Style27 viewsThe fan or as I call it whirly bird style is fairly common as a flogging technique. It is not a technique I normally teach because the goal is to be able to apply techniques you use with all classes of dungeon whips. While whirly bird works with a flogger, if a singletail is thrown with this style it causes undue, excessive torquing forces internal to the bolster and bellies of the whip. I contend it will make a singletail break down quicker and become a wet noodle regardless of how good the initial construction was. Many throw this style of singletail and if it is thrown with a finger flogger style grip the internal stresses are less, but I still do not personally recommend it. There are few don'ts as everyone finds a different path to whip throwing. The whirly bird used to throw a singletail is a don't in my opinion.     (1 votes)

WITD 101.56 Singletail Grip with a Flogger19 viewsTraditionally a singletail is gripped by placing the heel knot in the palm of the hand forming a sort of ball and socket. Regardless of the singletail style or technique you are throwing or even the grip variation you are using this heel knot in the palm is commonly used. What if you place the heel knot of a flogger in the palm of your hand? What advantages and disadvantages are there in throwing a flogger with this grip?     (1 votes)

WITD 101.54 Different Flogging Styles31 viewsThere are many different styles that evolve when throwing floggers. Sometimes the design of the tail influences throwing style. A traditional handle style flogger lends itself to swinging with the whole arm or using more wrist as the flogger is thrown either in a figure 8 or rotated as a fan blade. Finger floggers lend themselves to more poi spinning style and are easier to throw florentine and different spinning patterns with than a handle flogger. The handle of a traditional flogger can be used to add leverage to a throw if it is grasped by the heel knot instead of being grasp at the balance point.     (1 votes)

WITD 101.53 Discretely Carrying Toys17 viewsFinding the perfect toybag is an adventure into itself. Often repurposing bags originally designed for a vanilla purpose are the most discrete way to carry toys. Guitar gig bags, arrow cases, even the toolbag from Home Depot. Some cases might cause undue and unwanted attention. So thoughtfully avoid those. A gun case might be perfect for carrying canes, but someone seeing you carrying it into a venue might mistakenly think you have an AR-15 in it. Learn to discretely carry your toys into a home, event or venue by carefully choosing your bag or carrying case.     (1 votes)

WITD 101.52 Different Flogger Hand Holds23 viewsThere are numerous ways to hold a flogger. The most energy efficient is to hold it on the handle balance point. But a flogger can be held by gripping the heel knot, using a finger point grip, using a thumb push grip, using a poi style or finger flogger style grip, using a reverse hand hold. No wrong or right way as long is it is fun and it works for you and doesn't affect your accuracy or skill with the flogger.     (1 votes)

WITD 101.52a Flogger Hand Holds19 viewsTraditionally floggers are held with a hand shake grip on the handle balance point of a well made balanced flogger. But there are many different holds and grips that can be used. Floggers are fun and every way to throw them adds a new dimension to impact play.     (1 votes)

WITD 101.51 Flogger Balance23 viewsRevisiting flogger balance. Demonstration of several well balanced floggers as compared to a flogger that is not balanced well both by the same flogger maker.     (1 votes)

WITD 501.18 Feedback From Moodstone25 viewsMoodstone provides feedback from a live dungeon play session and this video gives insight into practice techniques that are helpful in breaking down two handed whip work, isolating certain skills to provide muscle memory, but that do not translate well into live dungeon play. It also reveals the techniques that were well received on the whip catching end.     (1 votes)

WITD 501.19 Single and 2 Handed Rhythm Whips23 viewsConnecting the rhythm of the music and the energy in the space to the rhythm of the whip and then connecting that energy to the whip catcher is one aspect of whip play. See the difference, pros and cons of single handed rhythm whips v. two handed rhythm whips.     (1 votes)

Sneeze20 viewsLiterally started a video and had to sneeze.     (1 votes)

WITD 501.16 Alternating Forward Figure 823 viewsFor this pattern throw a complete forward figure 8 both forehand and backhand with one whip (suggest starting on the dominant hand side). Then alternate and throw a complete forward figure 8 with the off hand. Repeat the pattern, do not rush, this is a slow rhythmic pattern. Focus on accuracy with the off hand.     (1 votes)

WITD 501.14 Two Handed Forehand Focus20 viewsBreaking down two handed technique further leads to recognizing that each hand has a forehand and a backhand. In this segment, focus only on both forehands, keeping them tight with smooth rollout. On the backhand simply recover the whip and focus on setting up the next forehand. Future segments will focus on the backhand.     (1 votes)
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